CH1- Intermediate Skills for 5-9 yr olds

Toronto - Dec 27-29, 2023. Ages 5-9 HL, Sel.

SKU: CH1 Category:
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Program Number: CH1

Dates: Dec 27-29, 2023

Times: 9:30 – 11:00am

Age / Caliber: 5- 9 yrs old house league, Select.

Location: RINX – 65 Orfus Rd

Hours On Ice: 4.5 hrs on ice only (1.5 hrs per day)

Cost: $195.00 CAN  (tax included)  Daily Rate: $75.00 per day

This camp will be fun but challenging and will provide less advanced players with a solid foundation of the essentials skills required to advance their level of play. Special attention will be placed on all aspects of forwards and backwards skating. Emphasis will be placed on stride, edge control, cross-overs, stopping and turns. All aspects of puck control and shooting will also be taught. Each skill will be broken down so that all students gain a solid understanding of the skills being taught. Skill specific games will be used to aid in improvement while providing fun for all students.



CH1- Intermediate Skills for 5-9 yr olds

Toronto - Dec 27-29, 2023. Ages 5-9 HL, Sel.

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